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Examples of Discussion Text

Nuclear Energy : Advantage Or Disadvantage

    Nuclear energy is commonly offered as an alternative to overcome the crisis of energy. The debate whether the use of nuclear energy is an appropriate choice or not, has not come to an end. Some people agree with the utilization of it because of its benefits. Some others, however, disagree because of its risks to the environment.

    Those who agree with the operation of nuclear reactors usually argue that nuclear energy is the only feasible choice to answer the ever – increasing energy needs. In their opinion, the other sources of energy: oil, coal, and liquid natural gas are not renewable and safe, while nuclear energy can be sustainable when produced in a safe way.

    However, people who disagree with the use of nuclear energy point out that the waste of nuclear products can completely destroy the environment and human lives. A meltdown in reactor, for example, usually results in the contamination of the surroundings soil and water. Take for example, the blow up of the nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Russia twenty years ago. The serious contamination imperilled people and the environment severely.

    It is obvious that nuclear energy should be avoided because it really endangers the environment but what about a less polluted energy instead of nuclear energy. Is there any alternative energy to overcome the crisis of energy? In my opinion, nuclear energy is the best choice to overcome the crisis of energy. However, government should make sure that nuclear reactor’s construction and maintains are safe.



National Exam: Pro and Contra?

    National exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions among students, teachers, and parents. Some people believe that national exam is not necessary for students as a requirement to be able graduate from a school. In other hand, other people see national exam as an important indicator to know whether students have mastered all school materials or not. The debate among society about national examination goes on until now.

    For people who agree, national exam is necessary for students as a requirement to graduate from a school. People who support the national exam explain that the quality of the Indonesia education will drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system. They also think that national examination can motivate students to study harder.

    However there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national exam kept in school education say that it doesn’t need the national exams because the quality of education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam only measures a small portion of students’ competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students’ competences throughout the semester.
In conclusion, national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate or detect the level of students’ cognitive competence in several subjects, on a national scale. However, it is not fair if only national exam score that judge whether students pass or not. Government should make a regulation that national exam is not the only requirement for students to graduate. There should be other requirements added such as students’ daily score, behavior, and achievement.



Video Games

    Nowadays, the video games industry is developing rapidly. It becomes a multi-billion dollar industry. Video games have become an important part not only in the children’ life, but also in the adults’ life. Nevertheless, there is an argument whether video games bring good or bad influences on children.

    People who have a pro argument claim that video games give a lot of benefits, playing video games is a good way to kill children’s boredom. It can refresh the children’s mind after a tiring school day. Moreover, they also argue that video games can trigger children to be more creative because the games provide challenging ways to win. In other words, they believe that the video games can actually sharpen a human’s brain.

    Conversely, some people believe that video games make children lazy. They argue that playing video games is addictive. As a consequence, most of the children prefer playing video games to studying. These children find it hard to concentrate on their study because they always think about how to spend more time playing video games. In fact, there are also some children who skip their extracurricular lessons, just because they want to play video games. In addition, most of the video games often expose too much violence. Two years ago in the USA, for example, a student shot his teacher and some of his friends. Newspapers said that the boy was deeply influenced by the actions in the video games he used to play with.

    It is obvious that video games have more disadvantages than advantages. Therefore, parents should be very careful in selecting the appropriate games for their children.