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Hortatory exposition exercises

Task 3. Below is a text based on the no-straws text at the beginning of this lesson. Fill in each blank with the superlative of the adjective or adverb in the bracket. The first one has been done for you. Do it in your groups in 15 minutes.

The W is haunting us. No, I don’t mean witch, warlock, or werewolf. I’m talking about one of the worst environmental problems we face: Waste. Today we have (1) the highest (high) population the world has ever experienced. Each of us six billions plus people create waste, with people in wealthier countries creating (2) much (a lot) waste. Another factor causing waste is our throw-away society. Everyone wants things that can be used (3) most quickly (quickly), (4) more easily (easily) and (5) most conveniently (conveniently). As a result, the world’s (6) tallest (tall) mountain is not Mount Everest; it is the mountain of waste we, humans, create every day.

We need to take big actions to combat waste, but let’s start with one of (7) the smallest (small) and (8) simplest (simple) things we can do to reduce waste. We should stop using straws. Every year when volunteers go to clean up Singapore’s beaches and other places, one of (9) the most common (common) items found are straws. I know that nowadays some of (10) trendiest (trendy) drinks come with straws, such as bubble tea. However, I think anyone, other than (11)  thinnest (tiny) tot should be able to manage their drink without a straw.

The famous thinking skill educator Edward de Bono wrote that in a 1990 book entitled Simplicity, “if something needs doing, then do something about it.  Don’t just hope that someone else will. What is everyone’s business also has to become someone’s business. “Let us make protecting the environment our business. Let us if we can create (12) the least (little) amount of waste possible. Let us start by ending our use of straws.

Task 4. Answer the following questions briefly in your groups in 20 minutes.

1. The text talks about the W word. If we were talking about pollution, we call it the P word. What would we call if we were talking about over-population?


2. Why does the population continue to increase?

Because the lack of human awareness of the environment and more waste.

3. Why do you think people in wealthier countries might waste more?

Because they think having a janitor they can pay can help clean up the trash.

4. What do think is meat by the term ‘throw-away society’

people's habit of using disposable items, then throwing them away without recycling again.

5. Besides straws, what are other throw-away items?

Tissue, plastic bags, styrofoam, cotton bud.

6. Is there really a mountain of garbage as tall as Mount Everest? If so, where is located.

Yes, but in the text it is not stated where it is located.

7. Is stopping the use of straws going to make a big contributing to ward preventing waste?

Yes, it will help in reducing waste that is difficult to decipher.

8. What is another drink, besides bubble tea, that usually comes with a straw?

Coffee, tea, juices, and plastic drink packaging.

9. The last paragraph contains a quote from Edward de Bono’s book Simplicity. Do you see any connection between simplicity and reducing waste?

Of course, he said if something needs doing, then do something about it. Don’t just hope that someone else will.

10. De Bono talks about everyone’s business. Is talking about business to make money?

Yes. It could be used as a business. for example: making a straw from natural materials.

Task 5. Answer the following questions in 25 minutes your groups.

1. What is the purpose of this text?

The purpose is to persuade the reader to reduce the waste generated.

2. What is the text about?

The text is about the waste that more and more humans are producing and one of those wastes is the use of straws.

3. What is the main of the text?

The amount of waste that humans produce.

4. What are the writers’ opinion about the topic?

The smallest and simplest things we can do to reduce waste is by stop using straws. He also said every year when volunteers go to clean up Singapore’s beaches and other places, one of the most common items found are straws.

5. What arguments did the writers provide convince the readers?

Nowadays some of trendiest drinks come with straws, such as bubble tea. However, I think anyone, other than thinnest should be able to manage their drink without a straw.

6. What significant linguistic features do you find in this text? Give examples of each.

Use mental processes, (I think)

Use material processes, (talking, have, wrote, )

Use relational processes, (We should stop.., I think anyone should..)

Use simple present tense, (Don’t, need, go)