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Research is a process which involves 

(a) defining a problem, 

(b) stating an objective, and 

(c) formulating a hypothesis. 

It involves gathering information, classification, analysis, and interpretation to see to what extent the initial objective has been achieved.

Educational Research Is a application of the scientific method to study educational problems, to explain, predict, and/or control educational phenomena.

Steps for conducting educational research

– Selection of a problem

– Use of specific research procedures to design and collect data

– Analysis of data

– Statement of conclusions based on the results of the data analyses

The importances of research are

1. Research adds to our knowledge, because reserach address a gap in knowledge, Replicate past study with new participant  and expand the knowledge on specific issue

2.  Research improves practice,  because  It suggests improvement for practice,  It offers practitioners new ideas to consider,  It helps practitioners evaluate approaches, It helps practitioners build connections with other educators

3. Research informs policy debates

Research have 2 classifications. First based on the Purpose, is  the degree of direct applicability of research to educational practices and settings. Then based on the  Method, The overall strategies followed to collect and analyze data.

5 categories of research

1. Basic research

It is Collection and analysis of data to develop or enhance theory. For Examples related to learning theory are Piaget, Constructivis,  Mastery learning, and Gardner’s multiple intelligences.

2. Applied research

It is collection and analysis of data to examine the usefulness of theory in solving practical educational problems. For examples are developing a seventh grade social studies, curriculum around a problem-solving, approach to learning, Examining the effectiveness of a computer-based algebra program developed around a mastery learning approach and  Accommodating varied learning styles when teaching lessons in modern literature.

The interaction of basic and applied research. It is the basic research provides the theory that produces the concepts for solving educational problems. Then it can be Applied research provides the data to help support, guide, and revise the development theory.

3. Evaluation research

It is the collection and analysis of data to make decisions related to the merit or worth of a specific program. Merit refers to a program accomplishing what it was supposed to accomplish. Then,  Worth refers to the value attached to a program by those using it. There are two tipes of evaluation. First, formative evaluation is designed to inform and improve a program while it is being developed or implemented. Second, summative evaluation is designed to make decisions regarding the overall quality of the program being evaluated.

4. Research and development

It is the development of effective products for use in schools. For Examples,  The development of the software to create a computerized algebra program that incorporates an individualized mastery learning approach to teaching basic algebraic concepts, The development of a Smart Board to enhance a teacher’s use of technology in the classroom.

5. Action research

It is the collection and analysis of data to provide a solution to the practical, valued problems of educators within their own school or organization. For Examples, How can our college move to a performance based model for undergraduate teacher preparation programs?

Quantitative Research Characteristics

1. It is to describing a research problem through a description of trends or a need for an explanation of the relationship among variables

2. It is to providing a major role for the literature through suggesting the research questions to be asked and justifying the research problem and creating a need for the direction (purpose statement and research questions or hypotheses) of the study

3. To Creating purpose statements, research questions, and hypotheses that are specific, narrow, measurable, and observable

4. To collecting numeric data from a large number of people using instruments with preset questions and responses

5. To analyzing trends, comparing groups, or relating variables using statistical analysis, and interpreting results by comparing them with prior predictions and past research

6. To writing the research report using standard, fixed structures and evaluation criteria, and taking an objective, unbiased approach.

Qualitative Research Characteristics

A) To exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon

B)To having the literature review play a minor role but justify the problem

C) To stating the purpose and research questions in a general and broad way so as to the participants’ experiences

D) To collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals so that the participants’ views are obtained

E) To analyzing the data for description and themes using text analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of the findings

F) To writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluative criteria, and including the researchers’ subjective reflexivity and bias.