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Prepare to say the word ski and note the position of your vocal apparatus. Next, do the same for the word school. What is the difference between the initial positions of your vocal apparatus for these two words? To what would you attribute this difference? What theoretical issue in phonetics is raised by the results of this experiment?

The difference is when say “ski” position of the tongue curves towards the ceiling and  the lips is pulled back.

 And say the word “school”, the position of the tongue raise toward the back of mouth and the lips are rounded and pushed.

 The purpose is to show the different vocal sounds will produce can change in the shape of the mouth when we say that.

Theoretical issue in phonetics needed as a result of this experiment about the vowel tract which is the vowels will be different in the pronunciation if the vowels are different than the shape of mouth.

Can the English alphabet be considered a phonetic alphabet?

The English alphabet can’t be considered as a phonetic alphabet because English Alphabet pronounced in different ways in phonetic alphabets.

Provide a phonetic transcription for the following words:  

(a) though : /ðəʊ/

 (b) boxes  : /ˈbɒksɪz/

(c) twinkle : /ˈtwɪŋkl/

(d) thistle : /ˈθɪsl/

(e) few : /fjuː/

(f)  jaw, : /ʤɔː/

(g) season, : /ˈsiːzn/

(h) cheese,  : /ʧiːz/

(i) string :  /strɪŋ/

(j) should : /ʃʊd/

 (k) catastrophic : /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/

Indicate the pronunciation of the following words if the speaker pronounces them in the indicated manner.

a. all (vowel lowered and backed)

Lowered: with the blade of tongue below a neutral position. The midvowels are neither high nor low and are marked [-high] and [low].

Backed :  With the tongue further back than a neutral position. In utilizing the distinctive features, the central vowels are considered [+back]

b. I (pronounced with no glide but with the vowel considerably lengthened)

[I] indicates a slightly fronted pronunciation.

Why is it possible for a vowel to be (-high] and.[-low], but not

[+high) and [+low)?

Vowels are classified phonologically in terms of the tongue – body features :[high], [slow], [stuck]

6.Complete the sentences by choosing one of the following features: [+continuant), [+sonorant). [+anterior). (-coronal], [-consonantal)

a. The inter-dental, alveolar, and palatal fricatives are all Consonantal

b. All labiodentals and bilabials are Anterior

c. The glides, nasals, and liquids are all Sonorant

d. [h). [w], and [y) are the only consonants that are Coronal

e. All velar consonants are Continuance



7.In what fundamental way do supra sentimentals differ from vowels and consonants?

Vowels and Consonants can be considered about the segments of which speech is composed. With the syllables form, that shown other features, known as supra segmentals, include accent and pitch.

8. Describe phonetically the difference between the sounds rep resented by o in the words cóvict and convict.

The differ of 2 words convict is the stress that stress that different meaning.

9. Indicate the degree of stress on cach syllable in the following words: 

(a) resign :  /rɪˈzaɪn/ Resign is minor teritiary

(b) agonizing : /ˈæɡənaɪzɪŋ/ Agonizing is major primary 

(c) petunia : /pəˈtjuːniə/ Petunia is minor teritiary

(d) present :  /ˈprez(ə)nt/ Present is major secondary (as a noun) 

(e) polysyllabic : [ pol-ee-si-lab-ik ] Polysyllabic is major secondary